Haliburton ladies four town

The two teams representing Fenelon curling club at the Haliburton ladies four town were; skip Bev Pervis, Cheryl Medhurst, Brenda Hann, Lyn Vanderstarren and skip Karen Jepson, Eve Miller, Muriel Jones, Jane Sedore. Congratulations go out to Bev Pervis and her team for placing 3rd in the bonspiel!Ladies 4 town Nov 2019

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Upcoming Events

15 Jan 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Ladies 4Town in Minden
04 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Men's 4Town in Minden
05 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Ladies 4Town in Fenelon Falls
21 Feb 2025;
06:00PM - 09:00PM
Men's Brandon
22 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
Men's Brandon

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Sponsors